We've Got the Secret Sauce in Choosing a Digital Agency

Cherie Gregory
Cherie Gregory
19 September 2024

When you're on the hunt for a digital agency, it can feel a bit like trying to find a good coffee in a new city. You know what you want, but sifting through the endless options to find that perfect match? Now that’s a challenge. No one. Wants. A. Bad. Coffee. 🫣 #disappointment

So, how do you pick the right digital agency that doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk?

Let’s break it down.

When you're on the hunt for a digital agency, it can feel a bit like trying to find a good coffee in a new city

Are they a partner? Or just a provider... 

A great digital agency should feel like an extension of your team, not just another vendor on your payroll. You want a group of people who are genuinely interested in your business and its success. They should be asking you just as many questions as you are asking them. If all they do is nod and agree without any deep dives into your current strategy, watch out! You might end up with generic solutions that aren’t tailored to your specific needs.

Check Out Their Track Record

The phrase "the proof is in the pudding" is a shortened version of the original expression, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." It means that the true value or quality of something can only be judged when it's put to its intended use or tested in practice. Essentially, the outcome is what truly demonstrates the worth or success of something, not just its appearance or theory before it's tested. The saying is often used to suggest that one cannot know the true effectiveness or quality of something until it has been tried or experienced. It's not just about flashy testimonials on their website. Look at the actual work they’ve done. Are there case studies or portfolios you can browse through? You want to see a history of adapting to different client needs and still knocking it out of the park. And hey, if they’ve continually worked with companies in your industry, that’s a plus—they know the pitfalls and windfalls.

Side note: We LOVE when potential clients ask if they can speak to any of our current partners, it’s always a resounding YES! (A big thank you to our clients who are happy to take those calls, we think you’re amazing and are always so grateful!) Never be afraid to ask providers you are looking to engage if there is someone they can call for a chat, if they are reluctant this is a big red flag. 

Transparency is Key

Now, I'm not just talking about pricing here, although that's a big part of it. How transparent are they about their processes? A good agency will let you know how they work, what you can expect, and how they handle the inevitable bumps along the road. In fact, ask them for an example of when a project did NOT go to plan and how they were able to pivot and/or overcome the challenge? They should be clear about what’s included in their services and what might cost extra. No one likes surprise fees popping up mid-project. 

They Should Speak Your Language

And no, I don’t just mean English, Spanish, Danish etc…. I’m talking about communication. How does the agency communicate their ideas? Their solutions and support? Can they explain complex digital strategies in a way that makes sense to you, without hiding behind buzzwords and tech jargon? If they can’t break it down so you can understand it, how will you know what you’re paying for? How can you ask for support when needed? 

Culture Fit Matters

This might sound fluffy, but it's actually crucial. The agency’s culture should ‘vibe’ with yours. If your company is all about formalities and SOP’s and the agency seems more laid-back, or vice versa, it might not be the best fit and, that’s ok. The working relationship will be smoother if your values align, especially when it comes to making decisions and resolving issues. Recognising this upfront can prevent a world of issues. 

Are They Proactive?

A mature agency doesn’t just react to situations; they anticipate them. They should be offering you insights and suggestions that you hadn’t thought of. They're not there to just take orders. You want strategists, innovators, architects…. not just builders. People who bring fresh ideas and solutions to challenges to the table before you even ask. You can check out Koben’s Pro-active Project Management Manifesto here.

Choosing a digital agency is a pivotal decision for your business. It can determine your digital future. At Koben we understand that, and we’re here to ensure that every step we take with our clients is a step towards achieving their broader business goals and digital success.

Our Koben Digital Guarantee:
Digital Empowerment through creative design, digital innovation and proactive support for our clients, and theirs.

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